
Unlimited You – Train with Nike in Milan!

After the great weekend at Nike London in August, my trainings with the Nike team continue in Milan and I want to update you a bit about what’s going on 🙂

First and foremost we are currently preparing ourselves for the famous 10km run “Deejay Ten”…that’s in 3 weeks!

Each week fitness lovers can take part in exclusive Nike training sessions held by top-notch Nike coaches, both in the NTC (Nike Training Club) and NRC (Nike Running Club).

Over the past two weeks they have merged the two creating “H.I.T. & RUN” sessions. Super fun! You get to follow both a choreographed pure training class, with lots of squats, planks, push-ups…as well as joining the running coaches that will teach you technical skills and tips a good runner should definately know (but not many actually do!).


Last Thursday I’ve had the pleasure of participating in the most extraordinary run of the year! We were joined by Olympic Athletes that just competed in Rio, and ran with DeeJay Ten founder Linus.

It was a warm-up, let’s say, as we “only” ran 6 kms. To me it was perfect to get me back on track after the summer laziness 😉


Imagine 500 people flowing through the beautiful city centre of Milan…invading the streets with our bright colors, happy music and positive hearts! It has been FANTASTIC!! Anywhere people would stop by to take videos and pics of us, as we were so colorful and joyful!

If this is only the warm-up…I can’t wait to run the real DeeJay Ten then!!

So jump off the chair folks! If you love fitness come join us at one (or more!) of our Nike events (btw this Wednesday brasilian model Iza Goulart will host the NTC class, reserve your spot here: )! They will keep you motivated and ispired if you easily get bored training by yourself, they will push your limits further if you think you’ve gone far enough, they will become your family as you get to meet so many new people with the same passion for sport as you…and on top of all that…they are FREE!

Can you think of any reasons not to join??

Easy peasy, simply keep an eye on for all the upcoming events! 😉